Sunday, April 6, 2008


Legs are the worst muscle to work out because they are always sore and lifting with legs makes it difficult to run. I usually work out legs on Saturdays which is bad because then they are sore until Monday. I recently just started running a lot so I have to skip legs every couple of weeks because I am to sore from running. During powerlifting season legs are done on Tuesdays and Fridays and your legs are sore every day of the season. Just like bench press there is a heavy day and a light speed day. The most important exercises are squats and deadlifts because they are done at competition. On Tuesdays which is the heavy day I usually would do three sets of three repetitions on squat, heavy quarter squats, three sets of five repetitions of good mornings, and other leg accessory exercises. Quarter squats are another form of squats except you don’t go down all the way. Quarter squats are done to get people used to having heavy weight on their back. Good mornings are when you’re in a squat position but instead of squatting down you practically bend over keeping your back straight and your butt out. Friday is a light speed day for squats and deadlifts. Box squats are done for ten sets of two repetitions with 50-60% of your one rep max but you must come up as fast as possible. When doing box squats when you squat down you sit on a box for a second and then explode up. The box is an indicator of how low you have to come down. Just like speed bench press after enough experience is acquired you can use bands and chains on the box squats. Speed deadlifts are done for eight to ten sets of one repetition. The idea is that you only get eight to ten repetitions a week so explode up as fast as possible and make everyone count. Speed deadlifts are done with 50-60% of your one rep max and you can also use bands or chains after enough practice. Some other accessory leg exercises are lunges, leg presses, leg extensions, reverse leg extensions, and leg curls.

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