Friday, February 22, 2008


The only supplements I use are muscle milk and whey protein. There are thousands of supplements available for use but a lot of them contain substances that boost testosterone levels which make those supplements unnatural. I believe protein is the only real supplement that is a necessity for everyone participating in weightifting. Protein gives your body all of the essential amino acids the body needs. All proteins contain four calories per gram. If trying to gain muscle mass it is a good idea to take 1.5 or more grams of protein for every pound of bodyweight. Some sources of protein are meats, eggs, legumes, and dairy products. Rotating the sources of where you get your protein from is important; change your meals every couple of days. When protein is being absorbed it is broken down into 20 amino acids, 9 of which are essential amino acids. Essential amino acids can only be obtained by foods and supplements, while the non-essential amino acids can be created from your own body. Obtaining all of the amino acids is important because they all do different things.

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