Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Squat

The squat is the first event at a powerlifting competition because it takes the most energy. For the squat event everyone gets three attempts. For every attempt two of the three judges must give you a green light which means it is a good lift and if you don't get at least two green lights the lift does not count. At the beginning of the lift the bar and weights is on a monolift. You go under the monolift and put the bar on your traps. As soon as the weight is unhooked you must stand straight up, nodd your head, a judge will give you a sign to begin, you come down with the wieght so that your butt is below the back of your knees, a judge will you an up call when your low enough, and when you come back up a judge will give you rack call which allows you to put the weight back on the monolift. I think this is the toughest event and it involves the most work. If you do not follow any of the calls of the judges or you don't go down low enough you will get red lighted and your lift will not count. These rules are part of World Natural Powerliftng Federation. There are different rules for every federation.

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