Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Bench Press

The Bench Press is my favorite lift. You must keep your feet on the ground in the same place at all times. If your foot moves just one inch you will get red lighted. There are spotters behind the bench and on the sides of where the weight is located. The spotter will assist you in lifting the weight off the bench. When you hold the weight up without shaking a judge will tell you to start allowing you to come down with the weight, after you come down you must pause it on your chest without any shaking or movement, a judge will tell you to press allowing you to come back up with the weight, and when you complete the lift a jusge will tell you to rack putting the weight up on the bench. If you shake at the top, shake with the weight on your chest, hit the posts with weight or move your feet at all it will be no good. Just like the squat you only get three attempts for bench press.

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