Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Steroid Abuse

Many of my friends have used steroids to better themselves in sports. I know kids as young as 15 years old that have used anabolic steroids. These drugs can be injected with needle, taken orally with pills, or rubbed on skin. There are many different types of steroids that do a variety of things and people mix them together to get massive results. Sometimes steroids are taken in 8 or 12 week cycles where you change certain types and certain amounts to get the best results. Most people get steroids from online websites. Aggression is altered by steroids because the drugs increase your testerone levels. The aggression of steroids are usually refered to as roid rages. I believe roid rages are a much more psychological issue than physical, I believe that when someone is on anabolic steriods their anger is increased. Some of the health hazards steroids can cause are liver cancer, heart attacks, kidney damage, and disturbances of growth. Steroids are also known to be addictive because when people see the dramatic results that they obtain when they are on the drugs they can not stop and if they do they return back to their normal size again. There are plenty of withdrawal symtoms that are hard to deal with like mood swings, sleepiness, listlessness, depressed, change in sleep patterns, no sex drive, and loss of taste.

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